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Mitiga | Cisco Investments

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`Mitiga blue logo`


  • Israel

Leadership Team

  • Tal Mozes, Co-founder & CEO
  • Ofer Maor, Co-founder & CTO
  • Ariel Parnes, Co-founder & COO

Cisco Investment Team


Mitiga Job Board


Mitiga is the cloud and SaaS Incident Response leader and developer of IR2, the industry’s most comprehensive SaaS and Cloud Investigation and Response Automation (CIRA) Platform. Mitiga's IR2 platform performs continuous hunts for emerging attacks based on the company’s constantly growing cloud attack scenario library (CASL), the industry’s first and only database dedicated to cloud and SaaS multi-vector hunts. When a breach occurs, IR2 provides instant answers to burning breach-related questions by proactively gathering, organizing, and analyzing forensic-level data, and delivering insights in a single pane of glass. With deep knowledge of the specialized capabilities required for cloud incident response, Mitiga’s elite team of incident responders helps its customers by providing unlimited investigation support. In a world filled with cloud and SaaS risks, Mitiga is dedicated to keeping today's cloud-driven enterprises ready, responsive, and resilient. For more information, visit