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MemVerge | Cisco Investments

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  • US


  • Cloud Computing

Leadership Team

  • Charles Fan, CEO
  • Shuki Bruck
  • Yue Li

Cisco Investments Team


MemVerge Job Board


Server memory infrastructure has remained unchanged since 1969. It’s expensive, scarce, and volatile. MemVerge is pioneering Big Memory Computing to make server memory affordable, abundant, and available to workloads on-premises and in the cloud.

MemVerge Memory Machine™ software blends the best parts of tech and entrepreneurial spirit to marry the speed and performance of memory with the persistence and scale of storage systems. The results are massive pools of software-defined memory that perform like DRAM, but are lower cost and highly available.

Moreover, for a future of AI-driven applications with petabytes of data sitting in server memory, MemVerge has developed the world’s first in-memory data services that can load, save, replicate, and recover terabytes of data in seconds.