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Jon Koplin | Cisco Investments

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Jon Koplin

Senior Director

`Picture of Jon Koplin`

What I Do

My main responsibility at Cisco Investments is investing in and acquiring leading tech startups in the EMEAR region.

What I’m Passionate About

I’m passionate about working with founders who have a burning desire to fix a problem and are natural  leaders and story tellers. Being able to build a product, a team, and a brand are crucial abilities needed for a startup’s success.

One of my most memorable moments at Cisco Investments came when I was sitting in the back seat of a self-driving car as part of the due diligence process for what is now one of our portfolio companies. I may be the only one on our team who has literally put their life on the line to close a deal!

One of my core values is honesty. It is more important to tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.  Without reliable data it is very difficult to make the right decisions.

I love staying active with rock climbing, hiking, and skiing as well as spending time with my family. Combining the two makes for the perfect weekend.

Where I’ve Been

Like some of my colleagues, I did not have a typical career path for this job.  I had many different roles in startups and big tech companies in the US, Europe, and Asia. However, in 2012, I started angel investing which gave me the chance to take a new path in my career, so I left Google and decided to pursue VC full-time.

Where I Learned

I earned a BS in chemical engineering and an MA in classical languages from Stanford University. After my time at Stanford, I earned an MBA from INSEAD. And while living in places like the Czech Republic, South Korea, and Germany, I spent the time to learn the local languages and cultures.


  • EMEA


  • Investment Team