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Komodor | Cisco Investments

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`Komodor blue logo`


  • US
  • Israel


  • Emerging Technologies and Incubation

Leadership Team

  • Ben Ofiri Ofiri, CEO
  • Itiel Shwartz

Cisco Investments Team


Komodor Job Board

Working as developers and DevOps, we know firsthand how stressful and time-consuming Kubernetes troubleshooting can be. This is why we've made it our mission to take the complexity out of the troubleshooting process.

With Komodor we eliminate the need to use multiple products to troubleshoot Kubernetes, consolidating all detection and investigation workflows in one centralized hub. By providing a simple timeline view of all code, configurations, and 3rd-party app changes, we help developers rapidly discover issues and understand their root causes, while also offering them made-to-measure instructions for remediation.

Komodor is how we bake the Kubernetes expertise in, empowering all developers to troubleshoot at an expert level and resolve issues efficiently and independently.