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Whatfix Joins Cisco Live To Streamline Digital Transformation and Tackle Product Adoption | Cisco Investments

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Whatfix Joins Cisco Live To Streamline Digital Transformation and Tackle Product Adoption

Cisco Investments Team

Whatfix is thrilled to partner with Cisco to help their diverse team and customers to accelerate their end-user-adoption and application support across different applications used in the ecosystem.

Whatfix is an award-winning Digital Adoption Platform, that has been helping business across verticals and domains accelerate their product adoption and streamline their Digital Transformation initiatives with their real-time in-app guidance. Whatfix emphasises on the “learning by doing” methodology which enables end-users to easily get on board, get consistent training and quick support within the application at the time of need.

As a partner, Whatfix will be joining the Cisco Live US 2019, San Diego through June 9th-13th, at the Cisco Investments Village, Demo station 213-E and will be conducting two expert sessions at the Investment Village Theater. The partnership with Whatfix provides Cisco customers an innovative platform to streamline the adoption of their existing applications with Whatfix’s best-in-class interactive guidance capabilities.

To learn more about Whatfix, join us at any of our theatre sessions at the Cisco Investments Village. Details as below.

  1. Elevating Your User Experience with Digital Adoption Platform

Speaker: Vispi Daver, SVP Sales, Whatfix

While providing a great user experience is every company's goal, it's not always easy to make it intuitive and seamless for your users to use your software. Digital adoption platforms offer disruptive innovation by layering on all cloud-based applications to personalize the experience for each user. In this session you will be able to learn the power of data-driven in-app digital guidance and how Whatfix helps companies:

- Offer smooth onboarding to your users

- Enable and engage users throughout their journey

- Deliver insights to continually increase engagement

When is it happening?

Monday, June 10, 4:15PM - 4:30 PM, Investment Village Theater

  1. Disrupting How Users Engage with Application Software

Speaker: Vispi Daver, SVP Sales, Whatfix

The next step to handing over your application software doesn't have to be a 'wait and watch'. With companies adopting best-in-class SaaS-based applications to run their business, the complexity of today's technology landscape needs simplification so end-users can leverage the technologies productively and creatively. Whatfix’s Digital Adoption Platform demystifies the complex technologies for your users and acts as the intelligence layer on all your enterprise knowledge to:

- Provide contextual information to users at the place of need

- Reduce time to productivity with new technologies

- Deliver insights to continually increase engagement

When is it happening?

Wednesday, June 12, 11:45 AM - 12:00PM, Investment Village Theater


Read more about Cisco’s Investment in Whatfix - Tomorrow’s Customer Experience: Why Cisco Invested in Whatfix

Register now to see a personalized demo of the Whatfix platform at station 213-E at the Investments Village and also meet some of the biggest enterprise companies leveraging Whatfix to drive more value from their digital learning programs.

Don’t forget to ask for some awesome giveaways when you meet our team at Cisco Live US 2019. See you there!

Interested in knowing more about Whatfix? Check out our resources.