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SeeQ | Cisco Investments

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  • US


  • IoT

Leadership Team

  • Dr. Lisa Graham, CEO
  • Steve Sliwa
  • Bob Moll
  • Brian Parsonnet
  • Jon Peterson
  • Mark Derbecker

Cisco Investments Team


SeeQ Job Board


As access to operational data increases, many manufacturing organizations are “DRIP”– data rich, information poor– due to the gap between advancements in data science and manufacturing analytics. Seeq closes that innovation gap with a new generation of software that enables faster insights and decision making by manufacturing employees. 

Seeq is an advanced analytics solution for process manufacturing data that enables organizations to rapidly discover, share, and scale analyses across assets and plants. Oil & gas, pharmaceutical, specialty chemical, and numerous other vertical industries rely on Seeq to improve production outcomes, including yield, margins, quality, and sustainability.