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Elastifile | Cisco Investments

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  • Israel


  • Exits

Leadership Team

  • Amir Aharoni
  • Roni Luxenburg
  • Shahar Frank

Cisco Investments Team


Elastifile helps organizations adapt and accelerate their business in the cloud era. Powered by a dynamically scalable, enterprise-grade distributed file system with intelligent object tiering, Elastifile augments existing public cloud services and facilitates frictionless cloud adoption. With Elastifile, organizations can deploy and manage cloud-native file storage themselves and/or benefit from the advantages of fully-managed file storage services, eliminating the need for manual storage management and CapEx-intensive IT forecasting.

Elastifile’s unique combination of features and flexibility empowers organizations to seamlessly integrate cloud resources, with no application refactoring required...thereby modernizing their infrastructure and achieving their crucial IT agility and efficiency goals. Google acquired Elastifiled in 2019.